How often have you felt envious of someone? Whether for their status, wealth, health, possessions, success, family, etc..This list could go on forever. Because for me, I unfortunately do this everyday. It's not the greatest way to live, constantly comparing yourself to others, and I am not proud or boisterous of it. But it is what I have done, for as long as I can remember. It has become part of who am I.
Sad, right? Well I have been working on it over the years, and have gotten a little better! The main reason being, I think this thought:: "What if I put myself in their shoes, lived their life, for just one day?" I always remember this. No matter WHAT the circumstance - good, bad, happy, sad - because everybody has a story. A history that has made them that person you find yourself envious of {in one way or another} today.
The grass is not always necessarily greener on the other side! When I think about my struggles, failures, success, hopes, dreams and wishes, I stop to think about everyone else. Because they too, have all these. They have had to work hard, and no doubt struggle with somethings, at one point or another.
So I try to keep this in mind. About every aspect. If I am having a bad day, I try to remember that my bad day may just be somebodies version of a GREAT day! And visa versa. No matter what your circumstances, there will ALWAYS be others out there {somewhere} who have it better, and who have it worse.
Too often I take my life for granted. And when I realize this, it makes me angry! Because I know first hand, how short life truly is. It is something to be cherished and proud of! Every second of everyday is honestly a miracle, in it's own right. So I am doing my best to remember all of this! This post is in a way, my own personal reminder to myself - the bright pink post it on the dashboard - to forget about what everyone else has! To focus {and worry about} ME, MYSELF and I. To work as hard as I can to succeed in what I want to accomplish, and find MY best ways to reach MY goals!
While I am totally not all about "Me, Me, Me", sometimes in this life you have to be! Because after all, there is only ONE you, and you will never be duplicated!